So he hit the roof for a few minutes, and it ended. They haven't been speaking to each other, just occasionally ';Hello';, ';Good Morning';. But that's only once or twice a week. It's been 3 1/2 months since this all started.
He's not going to help her one bit, so she will have to find employment. She is currently looking for a job. I am home educated, an independent student, entering Junior year of high school soon. (Continued)Urgent! Need advice fast for a serious family crisis?
Well first I would like to say wow you are so strong and brave, and it's sad that you are the only one trying to save this family, and at your age you should not be responsible for such a serious matter, nor should you be experiencing it. As much as I know you want to help this is too much for you to handle, this is something your parents need to resolve. I am assuming though that this was not the first incident nor will it be the last that that has caused tension for your parents. Really sweetheart this is out of your hands, you should probably talk to them both and tell them to grow up, and the fact that you are the only one making any effort in reconciling THEIR relationship should be enough for them to think long and hard about what they are doing. My parents got divorced when I was young too and it sucked and I just wanted them to be together, I wanted the perfect family, but over time I saw how much happier they were apart and it was the best thing they could have done for eachother and for me and my siblings. All you can do is tell them how you are feeling, but ultimately sometimes what we want isn't always the best solution.Urgent! Need advice fast for a serious family crisis?
Many couples benefit from marriage counseling. Sit down with both of your parents and gently share your fears and concerns. Tell them how much they mean to you and how much your family means to you. Encourage them to get help. Maybe they can work this all out, Just remember,in the end the decision is mom's and dad's. You have to support them if ultimately that's what they choose.
If they both go to counseling, it could help. There really isn't much you can do about it. The problem is all between your parents. I have known other husbands that acted this way. He may be trying to get your mom to get a job. There may be more to this problem than what you know. Good luck and God Bless.
Would you rather they stayed together and he make her miserable for the rest of her life? Your dad sounds like a massive control freak and your mother has ';disappointed'; him and now there is all H E L L to pay.
Be there for your mother and don't make her feel like she has disappointed you, too.
Wow, you're the youngest and you are acting the most mature. Hang in there! Counseling would be good, if you could get them to go. How about getting one or both of them to talk to your preacher? - or maybe you should just talk to your preacher.
A good family counselor is in order here. Convice mom that the two of them should go see one. When mom find a job and start contributing to the household budget dad will start coming around. He is feelin pressure right now.
Your dad has serious control issues. (Which you already know, of course.) Your mom needs to leave. Support her as best you can. Sorry that you have to live thru this. Sucks.
Well things should turn out ok
it might not seem like it now but everything happens for a reason..and hopfully your mom will find a job..or your dad will wise up :]
Pray ..Pray..Pray GOD is still answering prayers.
you are a fine young man with your whole life ahead of you. strictly speaking this is not remotely your problem this is a communication and trust and control and anger issue for each of your parents. in marriage counseling they would be able to learn more about each other and can learn how to cooperate so that there are no surprises like debts and no resentments like not listening.
honey, i am a mother of a son and i have been married a long time. know what you can do to help? keep being the fine young man you are. excell in your schooling and keep looking forward to your fine future, perhaps college? i guarantee your parents will work this out. you, being consistently occupied with your own goals and business helps, more than you know.
really. it will all work out, i feel it will. dont worry.
sweetie whatever is going on between mom and dad it their business. you should not concern yourself with solving their martial issues. you are not equipped to do so. you said yourself dad is ignorant and mom is just tired of his mess. if he cant understand that the cost of the most simplest things have increased and she did what she felt she had to to provide for the family than maybe they should split. but whatever they do it will be better than what they are in now. he wont fix car truck, come on now this is his wife regardless. nor will he assist in the debt that kept him feed, that kept the lights on, that kept the water on. sweetie sounds like they maybe heading for the divorce court, so you need to prepare yourself for it because its coming. you dad need to grow up and mom and dad need to learn how to effectively communicate to each other. GodBless
I've gone through issues with my parents like this before but yours seems to have gone much further. I think all you can do is tell them how you feel. Maybe have a talk with each of them individually and tell them what your feeling about the situation. In the end it's all really up to them. There are probably other underlying issues besides the debt thing so marriage counseling could be an option.
Unfortunately, situations like that of your family's happen all the time. Talk to them. Hope all goes well.
Your parents have some communication problems, did she spend all the money on the visa just on groceries???...check the visa statement again. She probably spent a lot on other things as well. She should of told her husband from the beginning.
There is still hope for them, she really needs to apoligise and tell him that she is sorry and shes looking for a part time job somewhere to pay it off.
Good luck!
keep depending on God what you cn do for your family is pray. God can do great things. Have faith in God he might let things get worse bf they get better %26amp; you might say ok God i've been praying %26amp; coming to you but look at this mess now! God will work in his own time when we can't see it he does. Its not up to us to understand or even know when but God has his hand in it just keep praying. The only way my marriage is still together is bc of God %26amp; my sister all the time would pray for us I didn't know it a the time but now i do. My other sister has gotten back together with her ex hubby bc of God %26amp; it was a bad divorce. Keep talkin to God %26amp; dont give up if you dont get answers right away or the answers that may seem wrong God knows what is needed.
well your mom kinda needs to get out of there it seems like they don't love each other anymore and if they get a divorce it's a good thing don't u want your parents to be happy cuz it doesn't look like there happy together my parents got a divorce when I was 2 if they were together they would be very unhappy if they do get in to marriage couneling it may work if it doesn't well theres nothing you can do about
Hi i don't know if this helps or not but sometimes my parents argue too. You should tell your dad that it wasn't a big deal and maybe bring up something like going out with your family to eat dinner. And I know if your parents think about divorce tell them that u love both of them very much. I know this because i've been through it and i'm about ur age. And maybe u should tell them that they are very lucky to have a nice family and are all safe. I hope this helps.
Your father has decided to live in misery and make everyone around his live in misery as well. . . . He expected your mother to pull a miracle out of her butt. . . and since she didn't, he plans to make her pay and pay big. . . . . well, he didn't provide for his family as he should have. . . . let him stew until you mom gets feed up and decides to leave. . . A person can only live with that attitude for so long. . . ! . . .
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