I have been in a relationship for almost two and 1/2 years he is a good man and I love him dearly but I have two major issues, first and most importand. My kids can't stand him at first it was because he was more strict, but I am beginning to notice more that he isn't very affectionate at all, not man hugs, very few kisses, he never spends time with them and it bothers me, I have asked if he didn't like them and he says he loves them but I don't see it. Am I expecting too much? He has NO children , and hes 4 years younger then me, we click soooo hard, but my kids are my soul and he can't seem to click with them too. Advice greatly appreciated, ANY. Thanks BTW: The other issue is personal, I got that one!!!Help Some advice from a blended family?
First of all I hope you love yourself, love the Lord and you definitely love your family. This man has you on a leash honey. He is milking you for all he can and then he is going to move on. He likes the goodies, but something is missing. He can't make the sacrifice and energy to get to know your children. That's an emotional link to a mother's heart. He is temporary honey. Get that thing away from your children. They picked up his issues as soon as they met him. They got his conniving spirit on lock, because they know your heart. He is a user, charmer, filling a void and only there for a minute. Let go honey. He has given you time to see a lot, because of the time and distance he has placed in your home. You can click hard with another younger man. He is not the one. You might better run a search on the computer and do your homework. He doesn't want children with you and girl you better make sure this joker is not on the down low. You will be alright. He needs to be away from the house. Since there is no love for the children, you don't want them growing up thinking they should accept this in a man. Your children have been here before honey. They are carrying the truth for you this time. He should not be staying there. You should be dating him away from your home. That's how it should be until they are ready to meet your children and that should be a serious slow process. Since you've seen it all and it don't fit the big picture. Move on. Take a leap of faith, prayer and trust in the Lord. He got you. This other man is using you. I know a long leash and disrespect with a twist when I hear one.
Take the Lord with you. Like I said, ';The Lord has you and your family.'; Let me know what happens.Help Some advice from a blended family?
if he has not made a notion to marry you,by now,then something is wrong.he seems to not be totally committed to you,however most men find it hard to show emotion,especially when kids are involved.you need to reevaluate your relationship before going any further.not sure what your other issue is,but it cant be much better.good luck
Issue number one; it is important that the man you're chosing to share your life with gets along with your kids. And it's important that your kids feel comfortable around him. Maybe you should get them all together and get them to try to open up about what the problem is and why the kids don't like him.
Issue number two: You can't expect him to be a father to children that aren't his. Very few men can jump into that role, but most of them can't. You can't expect him to have a physical or emotional bond with them, he's only been in your family for two years he just may need more time.
Issue number three: His relationship with your children could be a reflection of how he feels about you as well. There could be a deeper reason as to why he doesn't want to get emotionally attached to kids. Perhaps it's because he's not emotionally attached to you? Maybe the kids are picking up on that and that's why they don't like him.
When a childless man comes into a ready made family, its difficult
1-he has no experience of children, and that's a huge leap to make
2-in this day and age, men have to be UBER careful, any contact with children is viewed suspiciously
Kudos to him for trying, these things take time
we women are much more tactile and mothering than men anyways
and i believe until you are a parent yourself, you never really know that rush of love you feel
if you have no major concerns, I would just keep going and see what develops, as long as there are no issues, see what happens, he may never develop a tactile relationship with them, but as long as he treats all of you respectfully, you may just have to accept this
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