Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Please need advice on a serious family issue?

There is this girl I thought of as family have known her all of my life.

Even accepted her husband and kids as family.

she has this obsession with my mother has for a very long time and wants to see whoever gets close to my mom booted out including me.

I learned recently she asked my mom to move in with her and she was going to try to boot me as well.i spoke with this girl the other day and she basically only calls me to make trouble between my mom and me.this is not the first time she has tried to come between my own blood and me.i feel this girl has alot to do with why my mom and i argue so much.i want this girl out of my life for good but my mom is refusing to listen and still talks to her and told me that this is the past i should let it go when this was all recent this girl is always up to no good especially with me because she has been jealous since day one of me she wants what i have and has gone out of her way to destroy it including with my own blood.what can i say or do to make my own mother see what this girl is all about? i want this girl out of my life for good once and for all.Please need advice on a serious family issue?
I know how hard this must be for you. There are some people who are just so unhappy and selfish that they don't care who they hurt. I don't think there is anything you can tell your mom to open her eyes where this girl is concerned.

You need to step back and not allow this girl to get the better of you. I know this part is hard but is very necessary or she will be successful with her quest. Now, with your mom I would say do not talk to her about this girl. You already know this is a hot topic. You should just keep the conversation about other things. Make the time with her more pleasant. After all, isn't this what you really want? Time with your mother? If you are finding you are competing with this girl for your mom's attention, don't become upset. Tell your mom you miss her and just want to spend one on one time with her.Please need advice on a serious family issue?
I think this girl has some serious issues since she is snooping in with your mom, Do you have any brothers or sisters or someone who is close with your mother as well? maybe if you talk to one of them about the issue you can go together and talk to your mom so that she feels that you are not the only one with the problem with this girl.
This girl is controlling and will be a huge problem when your Mom dies. You need to make sure she hasn't had your Mom include her in the will and take out other people. You won't convince your Mom of anything so don't even try. The only thing you can do is be nice to this girl. If she is badmouthing you to your Mom, it won't work then.
She is not a Friend. I agree with others, she is a stalker. You must go to you Local Police Station and file an order of Protection for yourself and your entire family from this girl. This means if she comes within 100 feet of you, she goes directly to jail, she does not pass go, she does not collect $200.00
Sound like the sister is having money troubles and wants to cash in and cut you out of future monies once mom is gone.Life would be better for you if you move out but wont solve the problem. If by chance you are to young to move out ,perhaps having a sit down with the both of them and expressing your thoughts mite help ,otherwise suggest seeing a counselor. If all else fails try talking to a family member who you all look up to,a Uncle ,Aunt ,or Grandparent etc. ,express your concerns to them and maybe they can help sort things out between the 3 of you . Good Luck
this girl sounds like a stalker, she is obviously doing more harm than good and it could only get worse.

Try to speak to your mom and explain what this girl is putting you through, tell her you believe she is telling untrue things about you and is trying to split the two of you up.

If worse comes to worse then when she comes to confront you try and record what she says, or note everything down. Then when you are really take it to the police. It will be alot harder because there is only you and no witnesses, if you can get witnesses to observe how the girl treats you. Im not sure how the law works were you are but im sure they can stop this woman from being near you all.

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