Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice about my CRAZY family?

Hi, I am a 27 yr old woman with a big problem. I grew up with my dad and stepmum from the age of 8 after my birth mum told my dad she was sick of us ';bicthes' and he could deal with us. It was me and my sis together for three yrs then my little sis decided at age 9 she wanted to be with our birth mother. Anyway it so happened that I did not have any contact at all with my birth mum and sister and a new half sister for the next years till i was 19 when my little sis had a baby at 16. I have had a lot of trouble with my birth mother and half sister who is now 15. They seem to be nice to my face then slander me to other family members and god knows who else. It all blew up when my mother verbally attacked me and called me every name under the sun 6.5 weeks ago about her saying I had been gossiping about my half sister going and sleeping with a 33 yr old married father of 3 with another on the way. Now I absolutely was brought up strict but beautifully in a secure home environment and had not and did not have the inclination to comment about my half sisters behaviour as it is over my headm and my sister thinks people are jealous about her 'relationship'. I was so sickened and saddened by my births mothers episode that night. She drinks all the time (binges), cuts herself off pills for a panic and psychotic disorder and allowed my full little sis to sleep with a bloke at 12 under her roof and encouraged her to fall pregnant at 16. My half sis had a abrtion too at 15 this march!. I just want some advice on how to handle this, I have cut all contact after that awful night and since then they have said I am a chronic junkie and alcoholic to other people and that 'karma' will get me. I tried letting my full sis know that I am not a junkie or alco and told her exactly what happened as they are compulsive liars but she has said I really am not interested.( though when my birth mother and lil half sis bully her or she is broke ect ect she comes running to me). I am a GOOD person, I work, do not drink and certanly am not a junkie. This is ruining my life I am at my wits end feeling like the runt of the litter that was never loved or good enough. It hurts. Should I just wipe them out to save any more probs, or contact Jerry Springer as that is how bad this is!.I need advice about my CRAZY family?
When people get mad they accuse you of things they actually do themselves.... My perception is that you are on a totally different level from them. Id cut all ties with them, if you must talk help your full sister... do so but do not think it is your responsibility, you do it out of your own kind heart and make sure she knows it. If you help her today and you decide not to help her tomorrow its all up to you. As far as your mom, stay away from her.. people like that only bring negativity into your life. They are jealous of you even if they dont realize it. Set boundaries with your sister and dont talk to her about your personal life.. she can always turn on you later, remember is her mom and you are only the sister she wasnt raised with. I have problems with my mom too.. and I was raised with her and she is one of the most caring mom on earth but she gets into my business too much so ALL of my family have told me to cut ties with her. I do for a couple of months and then I talk to her again (i miss her) then the whole drama starts all over again. But for a couple of months I am drama free. So dont be ashamed to cut her off. That will bother them more, then you trying to prove you are a better person to them. As far as Jerry?? LOLI need advice about my CRAZY family?
yes you should go with your life you'd want them to if it was you who was ''sick''

but seak counseling for ppl with ''sick'' (drug , games, alcool) family it's out there

i know they re family but you cannot live their life and they wont live yours

cut the rope

ceise the day

wish you the best

Yes stay away from all of that mess and start your life with a sense of right and wrong. Who cares what they think they are a mess change your phone number you don't need them. Somebody special will cross your path and help you to heal but be picky we all have the tendencies to pick people like our families without knowing it take care and god bless and pray to god for strength when you have no one else to turn to

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