Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice on telling my family that I'm going to convert religions?

Let me try this again. My last question was a bit unclear. I don't believe in Christianity anymore. Meaning, I don't think that Jesus was the Messiah. I don't agree with many of the things in Christianity, nor do I like how some Christians act. I've prayed about this for a while and I believe that God has led to me Judaism. I've been keeping it from my family for a while, but I'm sick of staying quiet and pretending I agree. I need to tell them, but I'm scared out of my mind. They're Baptist Christians, my entire family, so you can see how hard this is going to be. I really what to tell them though. Keeping this as a secret is killing me. I already told them that I was looking into the faith, and my mom and sister both told me that if I forgot about Jesus I was going to go to hell.. How should I tell them that I plan to convert when I'm 18? How do you think they will react?I need advice on telling my family that I'm going to convert religions?
answer: that you feel you are being called by G-d to this path to the original covenant. The one that G-d said is eternal. Be patient, don't tell them in anger, don't tell them on a Sunday when you're all grrrr. Be prepared to answer questions without condemning Christianity. That may not be easy if they push and demand to know why you don't believe in Jesus.

Hang in there and realize it may take them a few days (or longer). They will likely believe you are hellbound, literally. They will be fearful, angry, and worried all in the same minute.

Repeat that G-d said His covenant with Jews is eternal and you are drawing closer to Him on this path.I need advice on telling my family that I'm going to convert religions?
LOL - that's a start

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Just stick it to the man and tell them anyway. They might say your going to hell, but if you don't believe their religion, why would you go to their hell? Just because they believe in a religion doesn't mean it's the right religion. How do they know that they aren't going to hell for the opposite reason?
Just tell them outright. But please remember it goes both ways. If you want them to respect your decision, you need to respect their decision, including the worse case scenario of your mom and dad deciding you are not welcome in their home.
Unless someone else is Baptist the statement you make saying ';you can see how hard it will be'; is rather pretentious and leading.

I am Baptist. If you are going to do it just do it. Otherwise this is just a trollish question.
Problem solved - when you turn 18, move out, pay your own bills, and believe whatever you want. In the meantime, I'd keep my mouth shut unless you like sleeping on park benches.

You asked.....
You are still a child, I would not so naively turn away from Christ because of how certain people act. Please pray about it and open up your young mind.
like i wrote on your last one, we have alot in common on this question, my whole family is Baptist too.

they probably will get upset, but if they love you they will get over it

it depends :)
Be calm, be kind and know it will not be easy for them or you.
i believe that you should be a muslim
They will be hurt, of course. I converted from Methodist to Mormon at 19 (almost 20) while away at college. I wrote a letter - well, more like an epistle - it was 19 pages. Needless to say I got a little wordy, and included a bunch of stuff that led up to my conversion as well. All I can tell you is that that didn't turn out very well for my relationship with my parents. Not sure how I'd do it, if I could do it over again. Perhaps face to face. But I agree, it needs to be said. good luck with that.
“People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.” -Dave Barry

Hey sweety your probably going through a rough time right now, but the matter of fact is if your family doesn't accept you because you transited to another religion, then everything they believe is nothing but Contradiction.

You are who you are, in order to be happy you sometimes have to put yourself first.

And planning to convert when your 18 is nonsense to me if you think Judaism is the religion for you don't hold back life is to short, in fact as your young right now live it up and go for it.

You must let go of that fear of being judged and hated.

If you want to tell your parents, just sit them down when their relax and have a very serious talk with them.

See my family is very open we have Christians, atheists, buddhist, wiccans, jehovah witnesses, me- who's still discovering, and more.

We alll have something in common and that is unconditional love for those in your blood, and the deed of doing good.

Sweety, you must face all you fear, you must face life Albert Einstein once said “A man's moral worth is not measured by what his religious beliefs are but rather by what emotional impulses he has received from Nature during his lifetime”

Dont let people put you down
Why don't you just sit tight and see how you feel when you are 18? This is not a time for grand-standing. At 18 you can be whatever you want to be as long as your parents do not have to fund your life anymore. When you are on your own, you can go to any church you wish. You are the one who has pretended to agree. Not them. Personally, I would say 'Do whatever you want,' if you were my kid. Why should you worry about what they say, when you feel they are all wrong? Oh, and talk to a rabbi. Converting is not very easy. If your choice is the right one, there will be no reason for fear.
Judaism?!! aint better than christianity either!!

First, I'm a muslim, and im pretty proud of it.

well to tell u the truth this is so hard and I know what u mean about christianity, it's true christianity is a corrupted believe, but im pretty sure that judaism is exactly the same and you'll just gonna know that when u read about it more and more!

try to study those stuff Carefully before you decide to do something as big and important as this one!!

may god be with you and direct you to the right path! Amin!
This your choice and I'm happy you came to that decision. Let's not lie to ourselves it is not going to be easy. Your parents may not understand but although they are your family no one can stop you doing what you want to do? Tell them the enlightenment you have reached. In the beginning, it may be a little hard for them to hear and they may try to make you believe in Baptist Christianity, but if they are your family they will be caring and understanding towards you. And when you tell them, just show them what it is you want to be part of! Talking is key in this as through good communication they will be able to understand your motives and you and come to accept it! Just remember they are your family and they should love you no matter what. It may hurt their reaction at 1st but don't get upset. Good Luck I hope it all goes well! It's good you came to this decision, you're beginning to find yourself and your still young!
If you're scared out of your mind then you obviously have some sort of idea of how this will make them feel based on how they have expressed prior feelings to you.

Asking all us total strangers out here in Internet land only gets you the reactions of various people based on their beliefs.

IMHO this is something best discussed with a Rabbi, the Rabbi you wish to study with, and then with your family.

As you can see from the questions and answers about Judaism here in Yahoo, you will be facing a lot of misinformation, opposition, hostility and often outright rabid antisemitism..and this is from people outside of your family. Study more, seek a Rabbi in your own community to help you, find and connect to the Jewish community and join a convert group ( there are several ) to help you and know you're not the only person to have gone through this.

You would know better than anyone here how your own family members will react.

I wish you strength and peace.
Here's an idea, take your politics out of religion maybe? Jewish? You are kidding us right? You want Obama against you? He favours a Palestinian state you know...
tell them you are giving up one imaginary deity for another so in the end, it's all good.
tell them your gay aswell

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