Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice from my Christian family. Only Christians please.?

Okay, so I have this friend who claims to audibly hear God. Now I don't believe her and probably never will. I tried to explain it could be demons or a chemical imbalance but she doesn't believe demons can talk to us and is so insistent on it being God. Now she hasn't really said anything contrary to Scripture, except one thing. She said Go was going to come back before x number of years is up, so when I confronted her about that she claims God never gave her an exact date. She always says He wants to talk to me, and she always tells me apparently what He has said. Now she was hospitalized for 6months, and seems to be worse now that she is out. She is claiming that God has given her the ability to talk to her ';boyfriend'; through her mind. I am just worried for her. She calls me up and says God told her to call me. And while on the phone she will start talking to God and telling me what He says back. Now I know she loves Jesus and believers cannot be possessed, but how can I help her? She is just so convinced God speaks to her, yet when I ask simple questions like what am I doing, or what color shirt am I wearing she says that God tells me to stop testing Him. So any other ways to help her?I need advice from my Christian family. Only Christians please.?
Is there any way you can maybe talk to this girl's mother about her odd behavior or get her to talk to a psychiatrist again? Has she been taking her medication? Sounds like she has schizophrenia or some other delusions. Oh and talk to the boyfriend, too. Though I wouldn't recommend a group confrontation -- that will only make her feel cornered. Maybe even a Roman Catholic priest should be brought in to assess the situation and rather or not she's possessed by demons. It CAN happen to believers, as it happened to ME one time. Granted, it was nothing crazy but I could tell I was possessed one time.I need advice from my Christian family. Only Christians please.?
when she said she can talk to her boyfriend through her mind, God is not gonna give us that ability but satan surely will. somebody might be talking to her but i doubt its God from that very statement
Pray hard for her, And try not to be confrontational with her, But just be a listener trying to gloss over when shes acting in a way that you feel is not normal, Try to act as normal around her as you can, As someone who lives with a mentally ill sister, It's almost impossible to reason with people like that, Just pray hard for her, And act normal towards her, Because even though she is ill, She will pick up on that your trying to act a certain way, And that will make her feel uneasy . It's better to be more of a listener then a talker with a person like that.

God bless.
as a christian i believe that god does talk to us, maybe not in a voice, i also think maybe your friend is in need of some prayer, and probably some professorial help, but mostly prayer, that is one thing i believe we are lacking in is prayer, i think we should prepare ourselves to be effective in our prayers

John 15:7 if ye abide in me, and my words aide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it sshalle done unto you,

we must be in the will of god for our prayers to be answered
Christians cannot be possessed, but believers can be persuaded. And outright possession I have never seen, nor want to for that matter. But when we say ';oh the devil is tempting me'; is it really Satan or is it demons? Its kinda like in movies; are you so bold as to say that the big bad guy is attacking you? or is he sending his minions? Maybe one day, I can be strong enough that he has to take notice of me, note the dent I'm making in his evil plans, and he'll have to tempt me personally. Maybe. Sorry soapbox...

As for your friend, what has been said about psychiatric help is possible. Is she crazy? I dunno. But Jesus said no one will know the time or date of His return so that's bordering on some pretty dangerous ground. And telepathy? Uh.. right. That's not one of the spiritual gifts in Romans or Corinthians.

There is a difference between testing God and testing the spirits. 1 John 4:1

but above all, love her and pray for her
She needs psychiatric help, not Christian counseling or casting out of demons.
God gives special gifts to people all the time. Like healing by laying of the hands. He also had prophets help finish the Bible through, visions and voices from God.

It's hard to say what she is going through without knowing her back round. I think a good thing for you to do, is to take her to a man of the cloth, and ask him to try an exorcism, just to see if maybe she is being fooled by a demonic spirit. Telepathic speaking to her boyfriend tells me she might have a mental imbalance.

I am in no way judging her, but just to make sure she is for real, take her to the holiest of holy places, pray for her and have a man of the cloth try to see if he can coax out a demon. God Bless
I would humor her. Feign believing in her for a few days and see what is the out come. And then report back to us and your minister in a few days. After she is right when she says ';Do not test the Lord your God'; about the shirt thing.

Is she really learned in the scripture? it IS an important fact to consider.

Or is she a new Christian? That can make them a little overly excited, emotional and vulnerable (spiritual warfare). That kind of energy is best suited for missionary work. Some new Christians fizzle out in their faith but had a lasting impact on may lives during their beginnings. The person who helped convert my husband nearly 20 years ago is now a Rastafarian getting high in Jamaica somewhere. So obviously we pray for him.
she's off her rocker
I would talk to your pastor and see what he suggests. She sounds like something has mentally taken over. People that hear voices tend to claim it is God. Watch her to see if she starts becoming a danger. This might be a friend you cannot deal with yourself. Isn't it funny that some people will say demons aren't there but God is. You have to believe in hell if you believe in heaven. I will pray for you, tonight.
Demons cannot possess a true believer (forcing them to commit acts), but they can talk to believers (usually in the form of temptations). Your friend said that she said that God told her the x number years before Jesus is coming back, but the Scripture says that the Father knows only, not even Jesus (Matthew 24:36-Jesus said it Himself). Therefore, your friend is wrong.

I strongly suggest to you to do the following.

1. Pray for your friend and fully belive that God is able and willing to help her. I will pray for her and you.

2. Don't abandon her completely, but keep your distance. Those words are demon-influenced and it could corrupt your faith.

3. Tell the elders of your church about this situation. I can only hope your church has loving leaders who won't hold the truth but give it with love.

God bless and believe in Him
Pray for her. Be supportive and loving. You can do this without agreeing with her and it would be best to change the subject. She is obviously suffering from a dillusional stress problem. I had a friend that was super stressed and because she has strong faith, she thought G*d was telling her to do a lot of weird stuff. Avoid any conversations that are not ';real';. Keep her grounded on ';real'; stuff and just pray for her.

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